I love it when someone says they think they know all about something. Or they say they don’t want to learn to be a sales person. Everyone is a sales person and has been since they were in diapers. If you doubt that tell me you have NOT done any of the following:
It baffles me that most adults flatly refuse to grow, develop, or polish essential life skills thinking they are beneath them. They become stagnate and fail to grow as a person. When you get down to it – YOU are the only asset you own and have complete control over the outcome – why wouldn’t you want to improve.
Continuing Education is the key to that improvement. I do not care if you ever build an Amway business, you owe it to yourself to grow as a person. Network 21’s CEP offers life lessons on dealing with adversity, overcoming obstacles and life setbacks, setting goals and taking steps towards those goals each day. The books provide a positive reinforcement to help you deal with everyday issues that we all face.
You have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. Nancy Dornan has often said, I can tell you what it may cost to purchase CEP but I cannot imagine the tremendous cost for NOT investing in yourself using CEP.
Don’t be one of those persons that let years go by only to have a midlife crisis saying
”I’m not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life… my career hasn’t taken off… I haven’t accomplished much… too little in savings… don’t have a lot to show for my age.”
Get up off the couch and order CEP today.
There are two: (1) Learn to improve yourself and never stop learning. (2) Teach your kids and never stop teaching.
There’s an infinite supply of available learning resources: books, CDs, downloads, magazines, newsletters, workshops, seminars, webinars, peer groups, search engines.
I don’t know where your life will go from this day forward, nor where you wish it to go. But this I do know: The likelihood of you achieving all or most of what you desperately want is greatly enhanced if you continue to grow and learn as a person. Then teach others.
Why anyone would deny, ignore, or run from this, is beyond me. You are the only asset you have complete control over – make something out of it.
- a few extra dessert cookies,
- staying up past bedtime,
- ice cream for the team (after losing!),
- after-school snacks even if you brought home a bad grade,
- borrowing the car,
- begging 25 or 50 bucks for a date,
- shoes and a purse to go with that new dress,
- a lighter sentence after missing curfew.
It baffles me that most adults flatly refuse to grow, develop, or polish essential life skills thinking they are beneath them. They become stagnate and fail to grow as a person. When you get down to it – YOU are the only asset you own and have complete control over the outcome – why wouldn’t you want to improve.
Continuing Education is the key to that improvement. I do not care if you ever build an Amway business, you owe it to yourself to grow as a person. Network 21’s CEP offers life lessons on dealing with adversity, overcoming obstacles and life setbacks, setting goals and taking steps towards those goals each day. The books provide a positive reinforcement to help you deal with everyday issues that we all face.
You have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. Nancy Dornan has often said, I can tell you what it may cost to purchase CEP but I cannot imagine the tremendous cost for NOT investing in yourself using CEP.
Don’t be one of those persons that let years go by only to have a midlife crisis saying
”I’m not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life… my career hasn’t taken off… I haven’t accomplished much… too little in savings… don’t have a lot to show for my age.”
Get up off the couch and order CEP today.
There are two: (1) Learn to improve yourself and never stop learning. (2) Teach your kids and never stop teaching.
There’s an infinite supply of available learning resources: books, CDs, downloads, magazines, newsletters, workshops, seminars, webinars, peer groups, search engines.
I don’t know where your life will go from this day forward, nor where you wish it to go. But this I do know: The likelihood of you achieving all or most of what you desperately want is greatly enhanced if you continue to grow and learn as a person. Then teach others.
Why anyone would deny, ignore, or run from this, is beyond me. You are the only asset you have complete control over – make something out of it.