I’m talking about the only ownership that really counts. Owning YOUR choices. Owning your actions. Your words. Your deeds. Your health. Your fitness. Your finances. Your outcomes. Your results. Owning your life.
Owning all that stuff means taking personal responsibility -- even for the outcomes you didn’t want.
“Owning it” means accepting failure as your own doing. No one else’s. It means acknowledging your personality quirks as something you do -- no one makes you do them -- and they are yours to fix. Accepting that the way you handle ugly or uncomfortable situations is on you. No one else makes you say stupid things, or conduct yourself in foolish, regrettable ways. No matter what they do or say.
There’s a refreshing, unburdened freedom to all this. Because when you screw up, or regret something you did, or wish you hadn’t said what you said, or made a mistake that cost you dearly… the good news is… YOU have the power to fix it. To be better next time. To make a different choice. To use different words. To go a different route.
When you accept responsibility for failed outcomes -- when you truly own it -- what comes with it is the ability to mend yourself. Without reliance on anyone else.
That’s the ultimate freedom.
Here are examples of words uttered by ownership-type people:
“Wow, I really screwed up. I’m going to learn from this and do better next time.”
“I’m so sorry. No one else is to blame for this except me.”
“This is my doing. It’s on me. Please accept my humble apology, and I hope you’ll give me another chance.”
The highest achieving people… those with the most integrity… those we most want on our team… and in our circle of friends… are ownership-type folks.
The opposite of ownership is… BLAME.
Blame is an ugly concept. Blame is finding fault in someone or something other than you.
Blamers are excuse-making people who always have another person, policy, or event to point to… and accuse.
They blame their parents, siblings, spouse, kids, the in-laws, best friend, bosses, co-workers, the guy in shipping, the woman in customer service, competitors, suppliers, rules, laws, traffic, weather, government or whoever is not there to defend himself. There’s an endless supply of flimsy, sappy, feeble, implausible, pathetic excuses.
These are non-ownership people.
Three suggestions:
When America was founded in the 1770s, we were largely comprised of owners. Today, in 2015, we’re largely comprised of non-owners, blamers, finger-pointers.
Be an owner, and control your own life. Take control and build a life free of another’s control – Build you own Business. Amway and Network 21 can help you make that difference.
You have the tool. The choice is yours. Are your ready to own your own life?
Owning all that stuff means taking personal responsibility -- even for the outcomes you didn’t want.
“Owning it” means accepting failure as your own doing. No one else’s. It means acknowledging your personality quirks as something you do -- no one makes you do them -- and they are yours to fix. Accepting that the way you handle ugly or uncomfortable situations is on you. No one else makes you say stupid things, or conduct yourself in foolish, regrettable ways. No matter what they do or say.
There’s a refreshing, unburdened freedom to all this. Because when you screw up, or regret something you did, or wish you hadn’t said what you said, or made a mistake that cost you dearly… the good news is… YOU have the power to fix it. To be better next time. To make a different choice. To use different words. To go a different route.
When you accept responsibility for failed outcomes -- when you truly own it -- what comes with it is the ability to mend yourself. Without reliance on anyone else.
That’s the ultimate freedom.
Here are examples of words uttered by ownership-type people:
“Wow, I really screwed up. I’m going to learn from this and do better next time.”
“I’m so sorry. No one else is to blame for this except me.”
“This is my doing. It’s on me. Please accept my humble apology, and I hope you’ll give me another chance.”
The highest achieving people… those with the most integrity… those we most want on our team… and in our circle of friends… are ownership-type folks.
The opposite of ownership is… BLAME.
Blame is an ugly concept. Blame is finding fault in someone or something other than you.
Blamers are excuse-making people who always have another person, policy, or event to point to… and accuse.
They blame their parents, siblings, spouse, kids, the in-laws, best friend, bosses, co-workers, the guy in shipping, the woman in customer service, competitors, suppliers, rules, laws, traffic, weather, government or whoever is not there to defend himself. There’s an endless supply of flimsy, sappy, feeble, implausible, pathetic excuses.
These are non-ownership people.
Three suggestions:
- Be an Owner.
- Only invite other Owners into your inner circle.
- Don’t tolerate non-owners. Hold them accountable in a respectful way… or choose not to be around them.
When America was founded in the 1770s, we were largely comprised of owners. Today, in 2015, we’re largely comprised of non-owners, blamers, finger-pointers.
Be an owner, and control your own life. Take control and build a life free of another’s control – Build you own Business. Amway and Network 21 can help you make that difference.
You have the tool. The choice is yours. Are your ready to own your own life?