If you lined 100 people up against a wall and asked “Who among you wants a lot of money in your life?”… they would all raise their hands. Young or old, male or female, in any city, doesn’t matter. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, everything right about it. My personal belief is, there’s plenty for everyone — no one has to be without. Getting there is about the behaviors and habits you choose to live. But not everyone is willing to do what it takes to earn the money. In fact most will not do anything.
As a result, we have the ‘redistribute the wealth’ movement. In other words: you make too much, I don’t make enough, you’re just lucky, I’m unlucky, it’s not fair, give me some of yours.
Frankly, I believe that if you want Money then go earn it. Honestly and respectfully, but earn it. The Amway business opportunity enables anyone with a desire to build a business and have financial peace of mind. There is only one question to ask yourself “Are you willing to do what it takes?”
What are the habits of successful people? Thomas Corley CPA did a 5-year study that has gained international attention in numerous magazines. Corley observed the daily habits of 233 wealthy people and 128 living in poverty. Their habits were profoundly different. Here’s what he found:
This research is irrefutably convincing and sounds like what comes from successful people in the Amway business.
Want more financial wealth and security in your life? Want to teach your kids or someone you’re mentoring how to get there? Then here are 3 pieces of advice for you and them:
First… alter your behavior to match the wealthy in Corley’s study above. Don’t compromise this. Listen to CEP, read a motivational book, network 6 hours per month. Be interested in people, ask their names, about their family, what they do and their contact information.
Second… buy 3 books on achieving wealth and financial security. Devour them. And relentlessly apply what you learn.
Third… show the plan at least 8 times a month (more if you want to grow). If the prospect elects not to participate, ask them to be a customer
Start today working on your thinking and plan to be successful:
It’s all about the habits you choose. Where are yours leading you? Toward abundance — or scarcity?
As a result, we have the ‘redistribute the wealth’ movement. In other words: you make too much, I don’t make enough, you’re just lucky, I’m unlucky, it’s not fair, give me some of yours.
Frankly, I believe that if you want Money then go earn it. Honestly and respectfully, but earn it. The Amway business opportunity enables anyone with a desire to build a business and have financial peace of mind. There is only one question to ask yourself “Are you willing to do what it takes?”
What are the habits of successful people? Thomas Corley CPA did a 5-year study that has gained international attention in numerous magazines. Corley observed the daily habits of 233 wealthy people and 128 living in poverty. Their habits were profoundly different. Here’s what he found:
- Who knows their credit score? 72% of the wealthy; 5% of the poor.
- Who plays the lottery? 6% of the wealthy; 77% of the poor.
- Who spends less than 1 hour per day on recreational internet use: 63% of the wealthy; 26% of the poor.
- Who listens to audio books on the commute to work? 63% of the wealthy; 5% of the poor.
- Who watches 1 hour or less of TV per day? 67% of the wealthy; 23% of the poor.
- Who watches reality TV shows? 9% of the wealthy; 78% of the poor.
- Who networks 5+ hours per month? 79% of the wealthy; 16% of the poor.
- Who believes wealth comes from random good luck? 8% of the wealthy; 79% of the poor.
- Who believes they are responsible for their own financial condition? 79% of the wealthy; 18% of the poor.
- Who was taught the 80/20 rule? (Live off 80%, save 20%) 73% of the wealthy; 5% of the poor.
- Who is focused on at least 1 goal? 80% of the wealthy; 12% of the poor.
This research is irrefutably convincing and sounds like what comes from successful people in the Amway business.
Want more financial wealth and security in your life? Want to teach your kids or someone you’re mentoring how to get there? Then here are 3 pieces of advice for you and them:
First… alter your behavior to match the wealthy in Corley’s study above. Don’t compromise this. Listen to CEP, read a motivational book, network 6 hours per month. Be interested in people, ask their names, about their family, what they do and their contact information.
Second… buy 3 books on achieving wealth and financial security. Devour them. And relentlessly apply what you learn.
Third… show the plan at least 8 times a month (more if you want to grow). If the prospect elects not to participate, ask them to be a customer
Start today working on your thinking and plan to be successful:
- develop and maintain an ‘I’m worthy’ wealth mindset,
- adopt the saving, spending, and time use habits of successful people who come by their money honestly,
- read incessantly about achieving prosperity and abundance,
- ignore critics and naysayers, and
- resist temptation to engage activities that take you off your wealth-building path.
It’s all about the habits you choose. Where are yours leading you? Toward abundance — or scarcity?